Designed as a proof of concept for a feature film, this fiction podcast series follows a married couple, struggling with finances and ready for divorce, when they discover their daughter’s principal dead… with their fingerprints all over the bloody three-hole punch.

Jeff and Kim Overstreet and their daughter Annabelle found the body, but struggle to avoid sounding guilty during initial interviews, and even reveal a confrontation with the principal earlier in the day, all because the school has refused to release Annabelle’s transcripts.

Detectives Figueroa and Easton arrive to the scene of the crime, a house on a quiet street in the Chicago suburb of Des Plaines to find Principal Harold Ellington dead from a blow to the head.

As the case develops, Jeff and Kim maintain their innocence, while following clues.

With multiple suspects, can they figure out who murdered the principal, and what clues will they find in his mysterious notebook?

Notes on the Overstreet Family History